Dressage Winnipeg Scholarship + Travel Grant Information and Application Forms
Captain De Kenyeres Rider Development Scholarships 2024
Dressage Winnipeg is offering six (6) scholarships of $250 each to Dressage Winnipeg junior and senior members in the 2024 show season Scholarship Categories Scholarships will be awarded to riders in each of the following age categories: *NOTE – age category recipients may change depending on the number of successful applicants in each category 2 scholarships will be awarded to riders 13 and under 2 scholarships will be awarded to riders 14-17 2 scholarship will be awarded to riders 18+
Dressage Winnipeg is proud to offer two (2) Travel Grants to Dressage Winnipeg junior and senior members who have travelled to compete in a CDI during the 2024 show season! Travel Grant Categories Travel Grants will be awarded to riders in each of the following age categories: *NOTE - the amount fo scholarships awarded in a particular category may vary depending on enrolment. 1 Travel Grant will be awarded to a rider ages 14-17 1 Travel Grant will be awarded to a rider 18+ Travel Grant Criteria Riders must complete the following to be eligible for a travel grant:
Submit a completed application form by Monday, September 9, 2024;
Compete and receive 1 test score in at least 1 CDI show;
Complete a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer work/showing at Dressage Winnipeg shows over a consecutive three-year period (including the year the grant is awarded).
NOTE: Participating on the DW board, organizing a clinic for DW, or volunteering at DW shows, all constitute approved volunteer work/showing hours. Family members can do volunteer hours on behalf of a rider and family members' volunteer hours and the rider's showing hours can be combined to form a total of 40 hours. Every test or equitation completed at a DW show is counted as two (2) hours toward the rider's 40 hours.
Successful recipients will be selected based on scores and quality of application.